Add Design Sets
Learn how to add our design sets to your Oxygen Builder Library
In our dashboard →, find the Step 2

If you have access, you will see an input box to add your domain.
Now go to your Wordpress admin panel → Settings -> general -> Find WordPress Address (URL) as shown in the below image.

Once you enter the exact domain you got from the settings screen, (without http or https, and no trailing slashes) click submit.
You can Enable/Disable
the domain access using the options provided.
Now if you look for the Step 3, you will see all our design set license keys to add them to your library.

Just copy the design set key
you have got from the above steps.
Now go to your Oxygen settings -> Library page
to add our design kit to your Oxygen Builder.

You have successfully added our design kit to your website.
Now you can access our blocks in the Oxygen Builder in a regular Oxygen way, as you normally access any other design kit.