
Manage domains & site keys in the dashboard

In our dashboard →, you can click on left side menu items to go to the particular design set page to get access to them for your domains.

Dashboard overview:

Dashboard overview
Dashboard overview

You can find all the information in the dashboard from framework license to adding design set keys to your Oxygen builder library

Quick links in the dashboard
Quick links in the dashboard

These are the quick links you can use to browse our docs, live previews, page template builder and the color palette generator from the dashboard

Step 1:

Finding details about the framework plugin
Finding details about the framework plugin

In the step 1 box, you can find the license key, framework latest version and the download button to download the framework.

Step 2:

Step 2 when you don't have access to any of our design sets
Step 2 when you don't have access to any of our design sets

If you have access to our kits, you will see an input box to add your domain.

Manage domains in the dashboard
Manage domains in the dashboard


  1. Step 2 Box.
  2. Enter the domain and click on Add the domain button to add it to the database.
  3. You can Enable/Disable the domain access using the options provided in the step 2 box.

Now go to your Wordpress admin panel → Settings -> general -> Find WordPress Address (URL) as shown in the below image.

Find the exact url in the wordpress admin settings
Find the exact url in the wordpress admin settings

Once you enter the exact domain you got from the settings screen, (without http or https, and no trailing slashes) click submit.

Step 3:

Step 3 - When you don't have the access
Step 3 - When you don't have the access
Copy design set keys to paste in the Oxygen Builder
Copy design set keys to paste in the Oxygen Builder

You can copy the design set key to use in the Oxygen builder to get access to that kit for the domain you have submitted.

Upgrade box:

Upgrade option when you have lower level access
Upgrade option when you have lower level access


Changelog with all the recent releases
Changelog with all the recent releases