Using Colors inside Editor

You can use our powerful CSS Variables powered OxyMade colors inside your Oxygen editor.

Quick video: Using colors panel in Oxygen editor
  1. Click on colors icon in the Oxygen editor top bar as pointed in the above image to open the colors panel from right side.

  2. If you don’t see the colors you have configured in our plugin colors tab, please hard refresh the page or try to open the editor in incognito. It will fix the cache issue, a few people are experiencing.

Working with the colors panel
Working with the colors panel
  1. ‌Now when you want to add color to any element from our color palette, you can just open our color panel by clicking on the colors icon and then click on the color you want to copy it to your clip board.

  2. Once you have the color in your clip board, you can simply paste it anywhere you want, as you normally use the Oxygen colors.

Using Colors Editor
Using Colors Editor